Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving in Alabama

Being a nurse around the holidays stinks, because the hospital never closes ... and we have to work. Well, this year I was off Thanksgiving and the weekend after - yay! So we had the opportunity to travel and see family. It was important for all of us since this was the first holiday since we lost our Mom/Memaw! It was so good to be together and be there FOR each other.

Here is my family - so you can understand what a monumental task is is for get-togethers! Thanks to Ben & Michelle for hosting! (glad my house is too small!)

We also made our announcement that we are expecting child #3.
There were lots of surprised people. =) Here is a picture of my mom, I miss you mom!!!

Here is Christian carving the 26lb turkey. Yum!!

Myles bonding with Uncle Joel.

We went to a hunter's display of all the exotic animals he has killed - not my thing, but the kids liked it. It was amazing to see these animals up close - most of which I will never see in real life (hopefully).

P.S. Christian lost the staring contest!


  1. Love those pictures and what a great BIG family picture!!

  2. I love that pic of Miles with his head in the alligator's mouth! That is just great!
