Monday, June 8, 2009

Ultrasound update

Alright, so there is good news and not-so-good news - no bad news =) The good news is that Karleigh's growth is perfect - she measured 6lbs 8oz today which is fabulous for 36 weeks. The not-so-good news is that my amniotic fluid is pretty low, so low that it is a concern. So the plan is to repeat the U/S and do a non-stress test (watch the baby's heart rate on a monitor for ~30 min to see if she shows any signs of stress) on Thursday. If anything looks non-reassuring, it is probable that we will be having this little one earlier than expected. If all remains as is - then we are good to keep on going. Either way, I've been put on modified bed rest and my maternity leave has officially begun. Keep us in your prayers, specifically that if she does come early that she will be ready (ready meaning not needing any assistance breathing ...) and that if she isn't ready, then God will increase my fluid level! Anyone ever pray for fluid before??? =) Thanks!!


  1. Hey Janna. I found your blog from Rachel Hicks' blog. Just a word of encouragement. I was on strict bed rest from 21 weeks with my 3rd due to low fluid. (Less than 5 cm when it should've been between 16-20). It never really went up and at 35 weeks, I had to be induced because the Dr. thought it was unreasonable to let me stay pregnant. Kate was born at 35 weeks, 7lbs. 0oz. and was perfect and healthy. Praying for a safe and sound delivery. God bless you guys.

  2. We are praying for little Karleigh too :) God knows exactly how much fluid she needs...and when she will be ready! Love you guys!
    -bek kidwell
