Sunday, August 30, 2009

Randomness and Gabe's birthday splash

I love that he's holding her, 4 toys and a paci!

Myles is so sweet with baby sister!

and they fight over her ... =)

Karleigh in her bumbo seat - so funny to see such a little peanut sitting!!

Gabe got an electric guitar from our family (thanks Pappa & Grandpa too)
He was so excited, he plays it until his poor fingers hurt too much to continue.

The crew at his pool party

Christian did a good job capturing Gabe blowing out the candles

I'm proud of the cake - see below for description

the boys wanted to help me put icing bathing suits on the teddy grahams
I started with a plain iced cake
Added a blue icing "pool" with my poor-man's decorator

lined the pool with chicklet gum "tiles"
and completed the pool scene with fruit roll-up beach towels, teddy graham swimmers and trolli "life preservers". We had as much fun making it as we did eating it! Happy 8th birthday Gabe!!

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