Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Christmas tree hunting we will go

Well, as per our Mann family tradition, we went to a tree farm and cut down our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. OK, 2 days after since I had to work, but anyway. It was alot of fun. The kids really got into helping us choose one and wanted to help cut it down. They needed a little help from dad

They got to ride the cow train and we got free hot chocolate. Now, a cow train, for those of you not from hickville, are plastic barrels painted like cows pulled by a good ole' John Deere.
Now you know!!

It was a GORGEOUS sunny fall day! Our friends Tamara and & Ellis came along to help us document the occaision with his fabulous camera and eye for a great photo. I am hoping Santa brings me both of those for Christmas! Christian's dad(grandpa), brother and his family also got to come. Here are 2 of my favorite pictures of the cousins and Grandpa.

1 comment:

  1. FUN traditions...gotta love them! Including the john deere rides...haha
