Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Karleigh is ONE

June 11th was Karleigh's big one year birthday! Wow - what a FAST year! Right now she is walking everywhere, squealing very loud and very high-pitched (ugh!) for things that she likes and dislikes, saying "ouch" when she plops down on her diaper, and babbling wholeheartedly to anyone who'll listen.  She really was the easiest baby ever! She is now letting her opinions be known with the aforementioned high-pitched squealing ... I'm ready for her to talk.  But she is so much fun. Here are some pictures of her birthday.

BTW, I had to blow out the candle a milisecond before she tried to grab it with her fingers =)


after (mmm I'll have another)

We got her a baby doll - which to my knowledge she has never played with, but this girl KNEW what to do!! It was adorable! She hugged on it and carried it around like a little mommy.

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